BGL Solutions


 2024  April

Gnowangerup Sporting Complex

8 Weeks post full renovation and the Gnowangerup Sports ground is looking spectacular.
An other job well done by our skilled turf maintenance team.

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 2024  April

Fantastic results

Raceday Rye grass blend.
Our maintenance and renovation services are available for playing fields, turf areas such as local government and school sports fields.

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 2024  April

Sports turf maintenance

Ryegrass over sowing on sports playing surfaces shows promising results as renovation season comes to a close

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 2024  April

Turf Growers Association WA

The beginning of April is the time to apply another light fertilise to your lawn. This will assist, your lawn to stay green and vigorous throughout winter.

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 2024  March

Beautiful sunny morning

Perfect weather for solid tines aeration while stripping this hockey field nicely. Our maintenance and renovation services are available for areas such as local government and school sports fields.

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 2024  March

New Turf at Churchill Park

This project has been a collaboration of WA's best with NewGround Water Services and BGL Solutions providing the irrigation and turf prep prior to Bec's team taking over.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions about our services.

0488 749 333